Opto B Discovery Application

Fuel Antibody Discovery
Breakthroughs with
Function-First Screening


Powering Your Success in Single B Cell Antibody Discovery with the Opto® B Discovery Application

Opto B Discovery on the Beacon® platform revolutionizes antibody discovery (AbD) with its function-first, high-throughput single B cell screening, maximizing the success of your antibody campaigns.​​

By conducting multiple functional assays, including antigen specificity, affinity, cross-reactivity, cell-based functions, and blocking assays, on tens of thousands of cells in a single run, the Beacon platform delivers the highest level of characterization for each single cell.​​

The Opto B Discovery workflows on the Beacon platform provides an unparalleled, efficient, and reliable solution for antibody discovery, ensuring your success with both easy and challenging targets.

Opto B Discovery Application

Revolutionizing Antibody Discovery

Develop a Deeper Understanding
of Antibody Discovery with the Beacon Platform​

Prioritize functionality first

Vast Portfolio of Flexible, Function-First Assays to Generate Rich, High-Parameter Data​

Conduct up to 16 functional assays, including antigen specificity, affinity, cross-reactivity, ligand blocking, internalization, and cell-based function, on up to 60,000 B cells per run, generating up to 1 million data points and maximizing antibody characterization. Empower artificial intelligence (AI)-based antibody discovery by leveraging the rich, high-parameter data generated by the Beacon platform to train data-hungry AI models.

Antigen Specificity Assay
Antigen Specificity Assay
Cross-reactivity and Affinity Assays
Cross-reactivity and Affinity Assays
Membrane-bound Antigen Cell-binding Assay
Membrane-bound Antigen Cell-binding Assay
Ligand Blocking Assay
Ligand Blocking Assay
Affinity Assay
AbD Page Affinity_Schematic
Affinity Assay
Boost Your Hit Generation with Early Antibody Affinity Ranking

Optimize your antibody discovery process with the innovative Opto® B Discovery Affinity Assay. This cutting-edge tool allows researchers to rapidly rank antibody hits based on relative affinity, enhancing the selection of top candidates early in the discovery process.

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Multiplexed and Quantitative Assays for Enhancing Antibody DiscoveryDr. Kate Malecek, Director of Beacon Center for Single Cell Biology at Caltech

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Rapid High-Resolution Screening of Plasma B Cells to Identify Antibody Lead Candidates


Maximize discovery success

Antibody Screening for Diverse and Challenging Targets​

Screen antibodies across diverse species (human, mouse, rabbit, alpaca, and more), organ types (spleen, bone marrow, lymph nodes, and peripheral blood) and cell types (plasma and memory B cells), resulting in diverse antibody hits with even the most challenging targets, including multi-transmembrane proteins, targets with high host homology, and low immunogenicity antigens.

Screen Antibodies Across
Diverse Host Species
Generate Antibody Hits
for Challenging Targets
Multi-transmembrane Proteins​
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Applying the Beacon Platform to a GPCR CampaignFrançois Romagné, Scientific Director, MImAbs

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Opto Memory B Discovery Enables Multispecies Screening Capabilities


Opto® Memory B Discovery Camelid: Discover Heavy Chain Antibodies (HCAbs) with Single B Cell Screening


Expand assay applicability

Versatile Assays Applicable Across a Wide Range of Research Areas

Empower screening with small-volume samples and customizable assays suitable for therapeutic antibodies in any disease area. Optofluidics are ideal for small or precious human samples (as few as a single patient draw) and enable broad applications, ranging from vaccine development for infectious diseases, discovering autoantibodies responsible for autoimmune disorders, and identifying novel antibodies against tumor-associated antigens (TAAs) for oncology.

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Opto Memory B Discovery Human Workflow
