IsoLight System

Automate Functional Proteomics

Automate your entire workflow with the IsoLight system.
The IsoLight's innovative and impactful end-to-end workflow covers a wide range of applications, from early optimization to applying key, correlative insights and visualizations.


IsoLight Proteomic Barcoding System

The IsoLight is a hub for comprehensive functional profiling of each cell type across a large assay menu of single-cell chip and software products. Run an entire highly-multiplexed proteomics workflow. Just add your sample and walk away, achieving fully analyzed data on the same day.

Bruker Cellular Analysis vs Traditional Workflows

A Breakthrough Technological Innovation

Shed a new light on the small groups of cells that are making a big difference with the integrated IsoLight System. Our award-winning proteomics system delivers what you need the most across the board: high quality results, while saving time and resources.

IsoLight System

Automate your entire workflow with the IsoLight System

Traditional Workflow
Multiple Instruments Needed
Multiple Manual Workflow Steps
Proteomic Barcoding Solutions
Single Cell Secretome Dark-250-sq
IsoCode: Immune
Cell Behavior

Reveal a new dimension of behavior beyond surface phenotype.

Single Cell Signaling Dark-250-sq
IsoCode: Intracellular Signaling Insights

Connect signaling networks to functional phenotype.

CodePlex Dark-250-sq
CodePlex: High Impact Protein Screening

Access the bulk proteome, in throughput, with ease.

Meteor: Quantitative Bulk Proteomics

Fully quantitative bulk and comprehensive single cell proteomics on the IsoSpark.

The New Standard in Functional Biomarkers
Sample Prep

Following Bruker Cellular Analysis' sample prep protocols, samples are loaded onto the IsoCode Chip in one pipette action.

Load Chips

Up to eight IsoCode Chips with a throughput up to 8k single cells per run can be loaded

Automated Workflow

Automated cellular imaging, proteomic imaging and ELISA workflow for hands-off generation of single-cell functional data.

Data Visualization

Automated on-site analysis and advanced, functional, single cell mapping with IsoSpeak Software.

Product Specifications
IsoLight System
IsoSpeak Software
IsoLight Service Agreement - 1 Year
IsoLight Service Agreement - 2 Years
IsoLight Service Agreement - 3 Years
Contact Us to Learn More