San Francisco, CA
UCSF Seminar
Thu, June 13, 2024
2 PM - 5 PM
Fisher Banquet West (UCSF Mission Bay campus)
1675 Owens Street, Suite 251, San Francisco, CA 94143-3008
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Join us at this seminar

Innovation in Antibody Discovery
Brian Zabel, PhD,​ Senior Director of Biology, Curia Biologics
Beacon Platform: Applications and Product Roadmap
Yan Zhang, PhD​ President, Bruker Cellular Analysis
Harnessing the Power of Beacon Platform for T cell function and immune monitoring
Dennis May, PhD,​ Market Development Specialist, Bruker Cellular Analysis

Dr. Denny May joined Bruker Cellular Analysis (formerly IsoPlexis and Berkeley Lights) in 2023 as a market development specialist focusing on single-cell immune response on the Beacon. He obtained his PhD in Genetics from Yale University under the mentorship of Dr. Valentina Greco. His research interests include microscopy, single-cell biology, cell-cell communication, and stem cells.

Building Broader B Cell Diversity for Better Monoclonal Antibody Discovery
Vincent Pai, MS, Director, Management​ Bruker Cellular Analysis

What to expect

15 Minutes Beacon Platform: Applications and Product Roadmap

Yan Zhang, PhD​ President, Bruker Cellular Analysis
45 Minutes Harnessing the Power of Beacon Platform for T Cell Function and Immune Monitoring
Dennis May​ Market Development Specialist, Bruker Cellular Analysis
30 Minutes Building Broader B Cell Diversity for Better Monoclonal Antibody Discovery
Vincent Pai, MS​ Director, Management​ Bruker Cellular Analysis
30 Minutes Innovation in Antibody Discovery
Brian Zabel, PhD​ Senior Director of Biology, Curia Biologics
15 Minutes Q&A
45 Minutes Happy Hour, Networking and Poster Session
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