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App Note
Rapidly Discover and Select Potent Ligand/ Receptor Blocking Antibody Lead Candidates with Opto™ Plasma B Discovery

Discover how to maximize hit recovery and rapidly down-select blocking antibodies from plasma B cells in a single day.

What's Inside

In this App Note we discuss:

Maximize hit recovery and down-select blocking antibodies from plasma B cells in a single day.
Access greater diversity by screening B cells from multiple organs, such as bone marrow and spleen.
Rapidly down-select lead candidates with confirmed binding and blocking activity in plate-based assays.
A Deeper Look

More about this App Note

Rapidly Discover and Select Potent Ligand/ Receptor Blocking Antibody Lead Candidates

In this application note, we demonstrate how Opto Plasma B Discovery enables the rapid selection of receptor-ligand blocking antibodies using the therapeutically-relevant PD-1/PD-L1 model system. Download to learn more and review the case studies.

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