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App Note
Rapid Selection of Antibodies Against Membrane Targets using Cell-Binding Assays and the Opto™ Plasma B Discovery Workflow

Find out how the Opto Plasma B Discovery workflow simplifies and dramatically reduces the time needed to down-select potential lead candidates, even for difficult membrane proteins.

What's Inside

In this App Note we discuss:

Hit generation and down-selection of lead antibody candidates against membrane targets using multiple assays in just 1 day.
Flexible assays that use transient or stably expressed cell lines and multiple cell types.
Confirmation of functional activity of lead candidates in plate-based assays.
A Deeper Look

More about this App Note

Rapid Selection of Antibodies Against Membrane Targets

In this application note, we demonstrate rapid selection of antibodies that bind soluble antigen using bead binding assays followed by down-selection using membranebound antigen in cell-binding assays using transient or stable transfection methods. Download to learn more and review the case studies.

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