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App Note
Profile and Recover Polyfunctional T Cells Using Multiplexed Cytokine Secretion Assays

Learn how to easily profile multiple secreted cytokines from live T cells and multiplex with other functional assays.

What's Inside

In this App Note we discuss:

Collect physiologically relevant data by simultaneously profiling multiple cytokines secreted from an individual, live T cell.
Recover live T cells for further characterization to link cytokine profiles with gene expression.
Multiplex with other functional assays to comprehensively classify T cell subpopulations.
A Deeper Look

More about this App Note

Profile and Recover Polyfunctional T Cells

In this application note, we share two use cases to demonstrate how the Multiplex Cytokine Assay in the Optoโ„ข Cell Therapy Development 1.0 workflow, running on the Lightningโ„ข system, can identify individual T cells that secrete up to three cytokines and upregulate activation markers. Download to learn more and review the case studies.

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