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App Note
Going Beyond Simple Antibody Hit Generation in Opto® B Discovery with Relative Affinity Ranking for Soluble Antigens

Accelerate antibody discovery and characterization using the innovative bloom assay quantification on the Beacon® optofluidic system. This system enables ranking of thousands of antibody hits based on relative affinity, significantly reducing timeline compared to traditional re-expression and characterization workstreams.

What's Inside

In this App Note we discuss:

How the Opto® B Discovery Relative Affinity Ranking Algorithm can be used to relatively sort antibody hits and enrich the top antibody candidates against different soluble antigens.
Validation of Beacon Affinity Scores against industry standard affinity measurements using biolayer interferometry (BLI).
Machine learning-based analysis of antibody sequences and Beacon Affinity Scores to reveal sequence-function relationships that offer potential pathways for antibody optimization.
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