Opto B Discovery Affinity Assay: Transforming Antibody Discovery

Boost Your Hit Generation
with Early Antibody
Affinity Ranking

Early Ranking, Better Outcomes: Relatively Rank Antibody Hits with the Opto® B Discovery Affinity Assay

Optimize your antibody discovery process with the innovative Opto® B Discovery Affinity Assay. This cutting-edge tool allows researchers to rapidly rank antibody hits based on relative affinity, enhancing the selection of top candidates early in the discovery process.

Leveraging the Beacon® Optofluidic System, this assay enables the identification of hundreds to thousands of antigen-specific hits with unparalleled precision. By efficiently ranking these hits, the Opto® B Discovery Affinity Assay transforms downstream lead optimization and antibody engineering, yielding more antibodies with desirable affinity characteristics. It also provides validated, large-scale data for in silico antibody optimization.

The Opto ® B Discovery Affinity Assay transforms downstream lead optimization and antibody engineering by yielding more antibodies with desirable affinity characteristics, while providing validated data at scale for in silico antibody optimization.

Opto B Discovery Affinity Assay
Informed Screening Decisions: Instantly rank thousands of antibody hits by affinity, allowing selection of optimal leads weeks faster than traditional discovery methods
Data-Driven Insights: Leverage machine learning for comprehensive sequence-function analysis, optimizing your antibody development process
Scalable and Versatile: Adaptable to various species and soluble antigens, making it a versatile tool for diverse research applications
Supported Instruments: Beacon, Beacon Select for AbD, Beacon Quest
How it Works
Develop a Deeper Understanding
of Antibody with Affinity Assay

Unlock early insights for better selection​

Fast, Powerful Workflow for Antibody Discovery

The Opto® B Discovery Affinity Assay offers a fast and powerful workflow for antibody discovery, powered by the Beacon® platform. Traditional methods often require weeks of re-expressing and characterizing antibodies, which can lead to undesirable affinity outcomes. However, with this assay, researchers can generate Beacon Affinity Scores in real-time, providing early insights into binding strength and allowing for quick, confident decisions on candidate prioritization.

Rapid and Quantified Assay Results

Once antibody-secreting cells are isolated on the Beacon® system, researchers can perform a customizable on-chip assay using species-specific IgG capture beads and fluorescently labeled antigens. Within minutes, the system identifies antibody hits, quantifies the captured antibodies, and calculates fluorescence-based relative Beacon Affinity Scores.

Validated Relative
Affinity Rankings

For professionals in biopharma, CRO/CDMO, academia, and biotechnology, the Opto® B Discovery Affinity Assay is a revolutionary tool. It enables rapid, high-throughput ranking of antibody hits, expediting discovery while improving downstream success rates. The assay has been validated against industry-standard techniques such as biolayer interferometry (BLI), ensuring reliable and accurate affinity rankings at an unprecedented scale.

Correlation of Beacon Affinity Scores vs Biolayer Interferometry for Different Antigens
Correlation of Beacon Affinity Scores vs Biolayer Interferometry for Different Antigens
Empower Artificial Intelligence based
Antibody Discovery

AI-driven antibody design models need large-scale and quantitative binding affinity data to evolve discovered antibody hits toward more desirable biophysical and biochemical molecules. The Beacon platform with Antibody Affinity Assay excels at generating this crucial functional data at scale for every recovered sequence, bridging the gap for data-hungry AI models and enhancing lead optimization efforts.

Harness Function-First Screening​

Go beyond traditional soluble antigen-binding assay and prioritize functional assays first to deliver rich, high parameter data and more relevant antibody insights

Explore the Future of Antibody Discovery

Read more about how to transform your antibody research
with the Opto® B Discovery Affinity Assay.

App Note
Going Beyond Simple Antibody Hit Generation in Opto® B Discovery with Relative Affinity Ranking for Soluble Antigens
Tech Note
Opto® B Discovery: Relative Affinity Ranking for Soluble Antigens
Relative Affinity Ranking of Recombinant Antigen-Specific Antibody Hits with Bruker’s Beacon® Optofluidic System
Affinity Assay for Antibody Discovery
Let’s Unleash the Full Potential of
Your Antibody Discovery Research

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