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A New Way to Solve Biology: Connecting Novel Proteomic Analytes to Gene Expression in Each Cell

Gain insight into cell behavior by simultaneously capturing transcriptome and Bruker Cellular Analysis' unique, predictive functional proteomic data from the same single cell.

A New, Unique Multi-Omics Solution:
Connected Single-Cell Biology
Duomic Workflow overviewvF
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Transcriptomics + Functional Proteomics from the Same Cell for the First Time

A new way to model immune cell behavior

Technological advances in single-cell research are trending towards developing multi-omics methods to reveal deep relationships across the unique-omes.

While the transcriptome is widely studied in single-cell biology, transcriptome data alone does not fully correlate to cellular function (cytokines, chemokines, phosphoproteins, etc.)

We must go beyond surface markers to find the most clinically relevant analytes. The next frontier must integrate in vivo proteomic activity from cells with the gene regulatory networks driving those reactions.


Bruker Cellular Analysis' single-cell functional proteomics addresses this gap by capturing unique, highly multiplexed functional proteins (e.g. cytokines, chemokines, growth factors, phosphoproteins) from single cells.

The efficacy of our technology is shown across predictive data sets, from "superhero" orchestrator immune cells, tumor cells, stem cells, and more.

Our latest innovation, Duomic, enables you to link both transcriptomic and functional proteomics data directly from the same single cell across many cells in parallel.

Your Discovery Workhorse to Translational Predictive Medicine

Multi-Omics for Better Products

Analyze the most important potency metrics, (cytokines, chemokines) that dictate clinical response as demonstrated in wide bodies of peer-reviewed research.

Reimagine more precise CAR products earlier in the development process.

T Cell Receptors

Proteomic Potency

Profile the T cell receptor from the same cells that have the highest proteomic potency (i.e. cytokines, chemokines, growth factors). Integrate two of the most powerful predictors: antigen specificity and proteomic potency, into a hyperpowered biomarker discovery tool.

Tumor Cells

Functional Multiomic Resistance

Detect gene and gene pathways driving phosphoproteomic therapeutic resistance and tumor progression. Reimagine the means to tune multiomic pathways using the highest degree of functional connected biology.

Explore the Analysis:
Unlock a New Degree of Functional
Multi-Omic Resolution

Integrative Data Analysis at Your Fingertips

Accelerate insights and unlock answers that empower you to understand and tune the gene networks that can create optimal therapeutic responses amongst heterogenous cells.

Request More Information

Contact us to learn more about how Duomic helps visionary researchers like you accelerate in vivo biology by identifying correlations between a cell's instruction and its actual function.

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Duomic: Transcriptomics + Functional Proteomics

Duomic brings transcriptomics and functional proteomics together on a single chip to create an integrated cell behavior platform - providing critical insights missed by single analyte methodologies.

✓ Connect the dots between a cell's instruction and function
✓ Harness bioinformatics with automated analysis
✓ Gain confidence in your conclusions, faster
